Audition panic

Well it's that time of the year again. Auditions are just a day or two away; panic has begun to settle in. Well maybe not so much as panic, maybe more like self doubt. 
What if I screw up and say or do something embarrassing? What if they don't like me? What if they make fun of me? What if they don't take me seriously or they laugh when they are not supposed to? What if it all goes wrong? What if no one shows up?
Wait - what if no one shows up? That's a new one. What if no one shows up; that doesn't sound like the typical fear of an actor. It sounds more like a director. But directors are not supposed to be scared at auditions. Directors are always prepared, they have nothing to fear. No anxiety for them
Well let me explain... 
We have two hours to convince you that we are cool enough, nice enough, caring enough and professional enough that you will give us hours of your precious time. 
We have two hours to collect your forms and contact info and get you copies of health forms. We need to welcome you and make you feel at ease. We need a to learn your names, listen to you sing, see if you can harmonize. Can you walk and talk at the same time. 
We have two hours to see how far you've come since last season, or how far we can move you this season. We have two hours to see how you interact with others, vocally as well as physically. 
We have two hours to find the best part for you while ignoring the part you really want badly. 
We have two hours to lay the foundation of a new community. This is Huge. We are taking a huge risk, no nets, just lots of love and desire to make this work. So yea we are a bit more than a little anxious. But we wouldn't change it for anything.
See You Tuesday, you got nothing to fear...


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